Monday, March 3, 2008

A little about me...

What time did you get up this morning? 6:05 am...gotta love the 45 minute commute to Provo

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Defiantly Maybe, I know that Nancy said she didn't like it, but I actually liked it!

What is your favorite TV show? hmm that's a toss up between The Hills and The Bachelor. American Idol is pretty high up on the list too.

What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal...I have cereal every morning! I switch it up between Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch...I have the taste buds of a 6 year old.

What food do you dislike? Fish

What is your favorite CD at the moment? I haven't bought a CD in so long...but I have downloaded alot of Taylor Swift lately.

What kind of car do you drive? Acura - at least I did, but we have been without it for forever!! We are suppossed to get it back this week..yay!

Favorite Sandwich?

Favorite item of clothing? Pajama Pants, I get home at 5:45 and I am in them by 5:50 every night.

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas

Favorite Brand of clothing? I am a sucker for Express

Where would you retire to? Somewhere warm and on the beach.

What is your most recent memorable birthday? My last birthday, Sean got me little Gus for my present

Favorite sport to watch? Basketball. Sean watches golf and it kills me!

When is your birthday? September 1st

Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning, I struggle to stay up past 10.

What is your shoe size? 8

Pets? Just Gus

Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Nope

What did you want to be when you were little? A Astronaut - funny that the reason I changed my mind was because I figured I couldn't take my kids up in the spaceship with me....random!

How are you today? Good

What is your favorite candy? Bin candy! I love swedish fish and the little strawberry puff thingys

What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? JUNE! any day in June works...I am so sick of the snow, I just want it to be warm!

What are you listening to right now? Sean is watching the History channel and its all about lumber yards....we are so exciting

What is the last thing you ate? Cereal

Do you wish on stars? Yes

If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow

How is the weather right now? COLD

Last Person you spoke to on the phone? My dad

Favorite Soft Drink? Diet Dr. Pepper...I am addicted

Favorite Restaurant?
Cafe Rio & Carabbas

Hair color? Brown

What was your favorite toy as a child? I realize I was kinda a freaky little kid, I loved trolls and had so many of them! you would think they would scare a little kid...but nope, I had a whole troll house.

Hugs or kisses? Both

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

When was the last time you cried? hmm..its been awhile, I honestly can't remember

What is under your bed?

What did you do last night?
We went down to Springville for Sean's Moms Birthday

What are you a afraid of? Spiders

Salty or sweet? Sweet

Favorite day of the week? Friday!

How many towns have you lived in? 4. I grew up in Roosevelt, went to college in St. George, moved to Orem to finish college, and we are now in Salt Lake.

I now tag Kenzie Johnson, Kristy Maguire, and Sesily Lee


*K*R*I*S*T*Y* said...

oh man, tag?Couldn't we play leap frog instead?You were always so good at that.I think I could just copy and paste most of your answers anyway.Trolls huh?I had those too, I think I just liked them because they were naked.Maybe thats where I got the idea to pierce my belly button in college *stupid stamp* not so pretty after having a fat baby.I love that you did one of these though, I will get to answering mine soon...ish

nancy said...

I also was a big fan of troll dolls, I love reading peoples tags.

Sesily Lee said...

K I did it! Yah! I so glad you've got a blog too! One more way we can keep in touch!

greenwoodfamily said...

Oh lynzi! Pajama pants, cereal, bin candy. I am so glad you are the same girl I played with. You did forget to add Maverick frozen yogurt and the fact that bin candy at Harmons is way better once you have had a few energy drinks or was it yellow jackets. Do you remember that night? I think we even made up our own language! Oh good times!!

*aNdY* said...

LYNZI... Hey Girl Its Andy.. Whats up. I am glad you have a blog.. Iraci's.. Hows life???

Perrero Clan said...

Sean, you still look like you’re 12 years old, but I still love ya. This is Tyson P. by the way. You look awesome and it sounds like everything is that way too. It has probably been at least five years since I have seen you. Obviously I don’t stay in touch so well, but I am trying to cure that so here I am. Life is great; I am going to have a little girl on April 13th (Way to young and immature to be a dad). I am attending the University of Louisville School of Dentistry, I only have one year left (hopefully). I might become an oral surgeon, another 4-6yrs of school. That’s only if I am insane, but you know me, I just might be. I was studying oral pathology and decided to go blog surfing and found you. I am glad I did, give me a call and we can catch up 801-921-9433. I am so happy for you, and am glad that everything is going so well, you rock. Peace in the Middle East, actually who cares, let them blow them self’s up. Peace.

Isaak and Jackie said...


I am so happy that I have found a way to get in contact with you, it was fun to read all the facts about you. Anyway send me your email address so I can add your name to my blog so you can view it and see my girls.