Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Update on us...

I don't have much of an update. Sean had some doctors appointments yesterday and I was hoping to have some new news but we really have nothing. I got banned by my doctor to make the drive with him because of the snow - and because he says I could have the baby any day now..crazy! So my dad took Sean out instead, the roads were bad but they made it in just under 4 hours, the drive is usually a little over 2. He had a CT scan first thing which came back clear again for cancer, we just need to stay on top of getting him scanned frequently to make sure something doesn't pop up. He then had 2 doctors appointments, none of which he really found out anything new. His thyroid is still completely out of line so that is their main concern at this time, they don't think its the cause (dang it) but they think if they can get it corrected Sean would be responding alot faster. He had his blood drawn and we are waiting to hear what his CK levels come back at - praying for good news, last time he was at 11,000 and anything lower would be great great news!! As for the baby, I am set to be induced on the 21st...he weighed her on Monday and he said she was 7.2 pounds - geez, she could be a big one!


nancy said...

The 21st that sounds like a great day to have a baby!!! Hope they find out some good news with Sean. :)

greenwoodfamily said...

I am so sorry you havn't been able to figure all of this out with Sean! I am so excited for you to have your baby! How are you feeling? She could be here any day! Both mine came at 36 1/2 weeks. There is nothing more exciting than waiting to go into labor! I love it. It's definatly my drug of choice! Keep posting I love to hear how you guys are doing. Can't wait to see pictures of that little girl!